Escape Club Q&A
November 15, 2023

The 80s Cruise is a celebration of an amazing decade of music, fashion, and world events (some good, some bad). What do you wish would return from that era? What are you glad we left behind?
I’m glad to have left behind the shoulder pads and the big hair but I miss the great songs. A world without the internet strangely seemed a more creative place but maybe that’s just me being nostalgic.
Anyone in particular you are looking forward to seeing in 2024?
Yes, all our old Friends, David Sterry, Wang Chung, When in Rome, Debbie Gibson and Downtown Julie Brown.
We always think of Escape Club as having such a distinct sound. We’re curious what bands you think offered the strongest influences to your sound.
Talking Heads and David Bowie were big influences. Johnnie, our bass player was a big reggae fan and John got into the dance thing in the late 80s so it was a mash-up of all of those things.
The Escape Club is perhaps one of only a few British bands to have a No. 1 hit in the U.S. – “Wild, Wild West” – while not charting at all in your native UK. Were you surprised the song didn’t translate back home to fans?
Yes but it didn’t worry us too much. We do have a strong home audience from our first album, ‘White Fields’ that not many people in the USA are aware of.
The band’s lineup has changed over the years and some original members have rejoined. What’s it like playing with old bandmates after such a long break?
It’s always great to play with old friends but things have to be fluid these days because of location, health etc, As long as I keep my voice, it will always sound like the Escape Club so fingers crossed, that stays the same. For the cruise, I’m bringing along Ian Curnow, ex keyboard player with Talk Talk as an honorary member, We may even play one or two of their songs.